Partner With

We rely on the generosity of churches, organizations, and individuals to continue our work.

Partner With Us

Pray With Us

We seek God's guidance in all that we do. Support us by committing to pray for ChurchApps.

Please pray that the needs of the Church are clearly known. That He will shape our plans, equip us to meet those needs, and bring along the right people, churches and organizations to join us in this mission.

Give to the Ministry



Prefer to send a check? ChurchApps P.O. Box 1553 Broken Arrow, Ok 74013

Work Alongside Us

Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:8

Contribute to Completely Free, Open-Source Apps for Churches

At ChurchApps we are actively working to build a suite of free, open-source applications to meet the most common needs churches have. Our goal is to offer turn-key "church-in-a-box" solutions that meet the technical needs of the average church.

With a primary goal of producing open-source software for churches, we always need developers.

  • Most of our projects utilize a MERN stack (MySQL, Express, React, Node)
  • Mobile apps are built with React Native

Even if you lack experience in these solutions, there are other development opportunities that are vanilla HTML/CSS/JavaScript, testing and DevOps.

Ready to Get Started?

Get in touch! We would love to hear from you. Join our Slack channel and introduce yourself or ask any questions you like. There is almost always someone around, regardless of the time of day.

Our detailed guide and videos show exactly how to set up a development environment to work on each product.

See Our Coding Needs

ChurchApps is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 45-5349618